Shipping Container Security: Protecting Cargo In Transit

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Whether it is a prized luxury car you purchased from across the country or the highly specialized computer technology your company is investing in, moving items across a long distance can be done safely and securely in a shipping container. This is the most common route to take, using a heavy-duty steel box for the work. These containers work to minimize damage from weather and wildlife, but you will need to take steps to ensure that they are also highly secured.

Shipping Container

How to Secure a Shipping Container

When you buy shipping container systems, they will nearly always come with a way to lock them. This is often done with a padlock; however, a simple, store-bought padlock often isn’t enough protection. Instead, choose one that is stronger.

Pad Locking Solutions

Look for a higher security container padlock. Many will have a rating on them, showing how durable they are. You do not want anything that can be easily cut off with a simple bolt cutter. Some of the best offer features such as:

  • A drill-resistant keyway
  • A keyway that does not allow for the padlock to be picked open
  • Designed with a durable material, such as carbonitrided solid steel, which is nearly impossible to cut off
  • Rust-resistant design to ensure they do not wear down too soon
  • A strong, well-designed internal mechanism, such as those made of brass or bronze, improves durability

Dual-Door Protection

If the shipping container has more than one access point, it is critical to install inner bolts on those secondary access points. These work very simply by allowing a bolt to slide across the opening, making it virtually impossible for anyone to open it unless inside the shipping container. They work like the deadbolt that you have on your home’s front door and can be rather easy to install and use — but highly effective.

Using Alarm Systems

Another step in protecting your highly valuable assets is to use an alarm system. They do not replace the use of locks — you still want to prevent someone from accessing your belongings. However, they do provide you with both a deterrent to would-be thieves and a way to track what is occurring.

Alarm systems come in numerous forms. The most effective is designed to alert you when someone is trying to break into the container, and this often should happen before an actual break-in occurs. Some are fitted with motion sensors that allow for the detection of movement near the storage or shipping container, and when detected, you can see what is happening through your smartphone app and the on-site camera.

Other Protections for Your Shipping Containe

Keeping people out is one thing, but protecting what is in the shipping container from other damage can be more worrisome. Here are some strategies that may help

  • Raise the shipping container off the ground using blocking methods. This helps prevent groundwater infiltration.
  • To minimize wind damage when a shipping container is in a high-wind situation, be sure it is being secured to the ground when not being moved.
  • Ensure whatever you put into the shipping container is highly protected itself. That includes proper padding for items that are fragile. Ensure nothing within can shift by using proper belts and positioning tools to minimize the risk.

Older containers tend to develop the most significant problems over time. If you buy a new shipping container, make sure to keep it up to date with repairs. If damage occurs to it, treat it like a car and have that damage repaired right away. Rust can be a factor in older units, and this means you need to be proactive about improving it.

By taking some additional steps, it is possible to move anything you need to and even store it long-term in a shipping container with peace of mind. The key is to be proactive so you do not have to be reactive later.


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