To be authorized to drive on public roads, you must take out car insurance, even if you use your car very little. In an emergency, some insurance companies offer immediate coverage. The latter allows you to be covered within the hour, regardless of the formula chosen (third-party, third-party plus or all-risk insurance).
It is particularly suitable:
people who travel very occasionally
when someone lends you a vehicle for a set period of time
when renting
if you are driving in a country not covered by your insurance
if you have just acquired a new vehicle (imported for example)
Not to be confused with temporary car insurance, which covers you from 1 day up to 90 days maximum!
Which immediate insurance formula to choose?
As with conventional contracts, insurance companies will offer you the three basic formulas, namely:
Third-party insurance : the minimum formula that covers your needs, by covering the damage to your car (in the event of an accident, in the event of theft or vandalism, etc.)
Third-party plus insurance : which includes certain additional guarantees such as “theft”, “fire” and “breakage of glass”
All-risk insurance : the most complete offer that protects you and your car from all incidents, even when you are responsible
Note that these offers can be modulated according to your needs. It’s up to you to choose the cover that meets your criteria, your vehicle and your budget.
How to buy immediate car insurance?
Start by competing with immediate car insurance offers
Taking out insurance can quickly seem long. To save time, nothing better than going through an online car insurance comparator :
Make a simulation in less than 10 minutes flat
Indeed, going through lesferets is a real time saver because it will only take you a few minutes to obtain offers adapted to your needs and to compare them . Second good news: you can save on average up to €360* per year compared to your previous contract, while maintaining the same guarantees. Our immediate online insurance comparator is free and without obligation!
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